Vacuum Cleaners – A Weird Obsession

SecretI have a confession to make – I am obsessed with vacuum cleaners.  Like the quest to find the perfect pair of jeans, finding the perfect vacuum cleaner is an on-going battle and journey for information.

Since I talk about vacuums so much, I figured I might as well make one blog dedicated to this weird obsession of mine.  Here I will share my other vacuum review pages, take in-depth looks at the top-rated vacuum cleaners, and give a lot of my own feedback.

This should be fun!  First vacuum review coming soon, but in the meantime, feel free to stop by and check out my 2 other pages about Hoovers:  Best Hoover Bagless Vacuum (this is on my Home Product Reviews site) and this whole other page:  Hoover Bagless Vacuum Comparison.

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photo by: val.pearl